A little over an hour to the coast. And the same to the mountains.
We discovered on Thursday just how truly awesome it is to live smack dab in the middle of both. We woke up with the idea of getting away for the day, and decided to see what the coast was like on a not-so-cold-and-rainy winter day.
Wonderful, it turns out. We had chowder for lunch and ran around on the sand. I could have hung out there for hours. But while we were there, friends invited us to spend that night and the next with them on Mt. Hood. Heck yeah! So we got back in the car in time to beat rush hour, packed up our things and drove to Government Camp. Surf to summit in the same day.
I'm not sure how many places in the country or world you can do that (New Zealand comes to mind). And it's one of the reasons we feel so lucky to live here.
With things uncertain about Lewis' job situation, we're all hoping we get to stay.