So this happened...
I wish I had had the foresight to capture all of Sophie's reactions during our back-to-back 10-hour days at Disneyland last month. There are a few here ... like when she and I rode the teacups, and then the Mater ride, and when she met the princesses. I think you can feel that 5-year-old excitement leaping off the pictures.
It was a wonderful two days for all of us. Well, maybe not Mathis, but I think he enjoyed himself even if he was really just along for the ride. This trip was all about Sophie. And, hell yeah, we spoiled her with a nice lunch with the princesses and her first-ever cotton candy. For two days, we did whatever she wanted to do. Ariel ride for the third time in a row? Teacups again? Sure! I mean, we were there for her after all. It was so nice to have no agenda of our own. To just go along with whatever our sweet, happy, adventurous, princess-obsessed daughter wanted to do.
I was inspired to write this post today, six weeks later, after we took a trip to the coast for an afternoon of beach fun. On the way back, we stopped at Dairy Queen for ice cream. It was 5 o'clock, but so what. Ice cream for dinner sounded pretty good.
When we got back into the car, Lewis and I remarked that it was such a nice, unexpected treat. He said these are the things you remember as a kid ... that you would stop for ice cream on the way back from the beach.
I hope she also remembers that daddy made her laugh all the way home with his imitation of Yoda. And this great vacation.